Secrets To Keep Your Skin Flawless


Sherley is a Haitian-American flight attendant who served eight years in the US Army Reserve. Her journey with Femme Naturelle began in 2012 as a way to build a safe space, a community to uplift and empower women in relationships transitioning out of crisis. She resides in New Jersey with her husband and two children.

Hi, I'm sherley

listeners' stories, advice, and questions

Secrets To Keep Your Skin Flawless

This article was written by Tania Bhattacharya on behalf of Sherley Altidor.

Gorgeous looking skin is not necessarily the direct outcome of elaborate skin care regimen or expensive spas. You will be surprised how you can work wonders with even the basics. How about a healthy diet, plenty of water, enough sleep, and a bit of awareness? Sounds simple, right? Keep reading to find out how you can have and keep up the skin you always envied.

Washing your skin:

The idea is to keep your skin clean and healthy so that it does not have clogged pores and can breathe properly. A clear skin also prevents a lot of skin problems such as acne (we shall talk more about it later in this article). However, stay away from overdoing it. For example, there is no point in using a face wash every hour as it may lead to dryness. Washing your face with a mild face wash and warm water twice a day should be enough. Finish off the process with a quick splash of cold water. This is because cold water tightens the pores and minimizes the exposure of the skin to further dirt and pollution.

Skincare Cleansing Secrets

A major part of the cleansing process is taking a shower. Who doesn’t love a long hot bath after a tiring day? Well, your skin doesn’t. Believe it or not, you can do more harm than good to your skin every time you decide to spend some extra time in the bathtub. The Mayo Clinic suggests you to be gentle on your skin. This means you should use a mild soap, pat or blot your skin dry using a soft towel, and use a moisturizer especially if you have a dry skin. A moisturizer with an SPF is a good thing to add to your daily skin care routine. You should also avoid long showers and hot water because these can wash away the oil leaving your skin very dry. Hot water may also trigger eczema flare-ups. It is always better to go for a warm bath and not the hot ones.

Protecting your skin from the sun:

A nice day at the beach may feel wonderful, but you should always protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Prolonged exposure to the sun may not only be responsible for wrinkles and age spots; it may even cause skin cancer. So here more is at stake than skin-deep beauty. Never leave the house without a sunscreen lotion. Carefully select the SPF: it should have a minimum value of 15. When outdoors, don’t forget to reapply as often as you need to. Typically, you can do so every two hours, but this also depends upon the SPF and may change if you are swimming or perspiring. If you can, avoid staying outside when the sun’s rays are the strongest and always wear protective clothing.

Following a healthy lifestyle:

Eating healthy is not enough for maintaining flawless skin, you should practice a very healthy lifestyle. This may mean changing a few things here and there, but the result is worth every bit of the effort and adjustment. Eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish, and legumes, and anything that has a lot of antioxidants. If you are a smoker, try to quit because smoking is bad both for your lungs and your skin. It can cause wrinkles and premature aging. Smoking narrows down the tiny blood vessels that are present in the outermost layer of the skin. This in turn reduces the supply of oxygen and other nutrients that are so important for a healthy skin. It is also one of the major causes of releasing more free radicals in your system. Among many other things, free radicals can cause heart diseases and cancer, and you definitely do not want to add more of these stuffs in your body. Consuming antioxidant-rich food helps in countering the ill effects of free radicals. Also, do not forget to exercise daily, even if it is for just 15 minutes. This increases the blood circulation and the increased supply of oxygen to your skin leaves it aglow!

Treating skin problems:

It is always better to tackle a skin problem as soon as possible. This will make sure not only a better treatment but also a permanent cure. Consult with your dermatologists when you feel it is necessary and especially if the condition is very persistent.

Whenever you have a skin condition, try to analyze the cause behind and you will be able to understand how to tackle it. For instance acne is one of the most common skin problems. It is caused when the skin overproduces sebum, a skin and hair lubricating agent, and thus clogs the pores. It is most common during puberty because of the obvious hormonal changes. So once you know that a clogged pore is behind your acne, the first thing you would like to do is keep your skin clean. Washing your face twice a day with warm water and a mild face wash made especially for the acne-prone skin should work great. Avoid scrubbing your face and never pop the pimples. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recommends applying an over-the-counter lotion that has benzoyl peroxisde, after each wash.

Maintaining the perfect skin is easier than it sounds. Now that you know the little secrets behind, it should be no problem at all. A healthy life naturally translates into a healthy skin. Begin by making informed choices and yes, never let stress get to you. In short, aim for happiness and a glowing skin will follow naturally!

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Femme Parler, which in french means, “woman talk,” is a podcast speaking to women about regaining our power after a crisis in a relationship. 


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