Femme Parler Podcast Introduction Trailer


Sherley is a Haitian-American flight attendant who served eight years in the US Army Reserve. Her journey with Femme Naturelle began in 2012 as a way to build a safe space, a community to uplift and empower women in relationships transitioning out of crisis. She resides in New Jersey with her husband and two children.

Hi, I'm sherley

listeners' stories, advice, and questions

Femme Parler Podcast Introduction Trailer

Femme Parler Podcast was rebranded in 2025 and is now Sherley’s Show

Welcome to Femme Parler Podcast. Each and every week in season one, Sherley and her season one co-host, Kira will chat about how to rise up tall from all types of obstacles that come with relationships. Through personal life experiences and discussions ranging from infidelity, trust, forgiveness, sex, heartbreak, self love, and more, we aim to be a helping hand as you guide your way through any storm in your relationship and reach for peace of mind. We want to cheer you on as you rediscover how to live as selflessly and boldly as possible. So let’s dive in!  Pull up a seat, make sure you’re cozy, and get ready to be challenged and encouraged while you learn to love again with your virtual girlfriends. How can this podcast benefit you? Listen to this introduction to find out!

Femme Parler Podcast

This podcast episode is the trailer for Femme Parler.

Remember, Be Yourself, Voice Yourself, Love Yourself

More about Femme Parler Podcast

Transcript Below

Sherley’s Show is learning and growing every single day. We aim to uplift all marginalized voices both on this podcast and in real life. Please note that we are always striving to change the problematic language that society has internalized in us. Thank you for your patience as we aim to strip certain phrases from our vocabulary.


Transcripts are the conversations from the podcast which may contain a few errors/typos.  It can be difficult to catch all errors, especially if two people are speaking at the same time.  Please enjoy the conversation and if you have any questions email us.

Podcast Introduction Trailer

Sherley [00:00:02] Welcome to the Femme Parler Podcast, where we are unpacking opinions and changing destinations, I am your host, Sherley Altidor, where each week we will chat about how to rise strong out of all types of obstacles that come with relationships through personal life experiences and discussions ranging from infidelity, trust, forgiveness, sex, heartbreak, self-love and so much more. I am passionate and obsessed to provide guidance to every woman to create a better life. Let’s dive in, pull up a seat, make sure you’re cozy and get ready to be challenged and encouraged while you learn with me your virtual girlfriend.

Sherley [00:00:40] Hello, everyone, welcome to the very first episode of Femme Parler Podcast. I have launched a podcast. I have launched the podcast.

Sherley [00:00:51] I made it this far and it’s a bit breathtaking and scary to know that I took my vision and I brought it to fruition as I sit behind this mic today. But we’re going to move forward with this introduction. Now, of course, you have a few questions and one maybe who is this lady sitting behind this mic?  How is this worth your time? What does Femme Parler Podcast mean and how will it benefit you? Well, there are a lot of podcasts out there and yes, I understand. And a lot of content to be provided to you. I completely realize this as well. So let’s talk about my vision in creating Femme Parler Podcasts and how it benefits you and why you should tune in.

It is a space created where women will be provided with guidance and encouragement. Specifically, I want to speak to women transitioning out of a crisis in their relationship. I’m going to help you learn how to be the best individual that you can be, as well as the best half of a relationship. Regardless if it is dealing with family, friends or even in a romantic one, you’re going to learn action steps to take, to be honest with yourself and do the work to go beyond the surface of what we see mentally, emotionally and physically in order to love as selflessly and boldly as possible. I feel that by hearing real raw conversations and teachings from women that made a leap to regain their power after a crisis and chase a better life, I will encourage you to step out of fear and into faith, and I will provide you the tools to do so. I want this to be more than just a chat. Think of me as your virtual girlfriend on your ride to work while you’re running errands or relaxing at home. Grab a cup of coffee, a cup of tea or even a glass of wine, and I will walk you through the exact process to help with infidelity, how to keep a relationship fresh and how to set expectations for your relationship. The only way that I can be of true service is by sharing where I have been through and provide you with factual information that has worked for me.

So who is your host behind this, mic? I am 4’11 sassy but a true lioness. I am an introvert that loves to read self-help books. Why? Because I can always be better. My family is top priority. I am passionate and obsessed to empower women. I love real estate and shopping. I am a businesswoman that believes in multiple streams of income. My name is Sherley Altidor, a Blogger, Podcast Host, Realtor, Flight Attendant and Serial Entrepreneur. I live in New Jersey with my family, but I wasn’t born in this country. My place of birth is Haiti, my motherland, which is naturally makes English my second language in Creole, my first language. This is the meaning behind family. It is a part of my culture and it means women talk. Now, the title that tops it all is Being a Mommy, which is such a blessing for me. My goal is to help you be your best self, be inspired, provide guidance with your decisions, helping you to regain your power after a crisis. Allow me to take the time out of your day to make you laugh and cry. Have the space to be sad and angry and give you the room to voice your opinion.

Sherley [00:04:25] My goal is to give you peace of mind and remind you to live by these words. Be yourself, voice yourself and love yourself.

Sherley [00:04:37] Thanks for tuning in to Femme Parler Podcast. If you want to continue the conversation or share your takeaways, I want to hear from you head on over to the website or join our Facebook community and comment your favorite part of the show or share your thoughts. I want to hear what you have to say. Don’t forget to write and subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode. Chat with you next week.

Would you like to be a guest?

Are you interested in getting your opinion out about a particular topic but don’t know how to do so?  If so, here is an opportunity to do so to share your point of view, PLUS get your message and voice out there.  It is always a great way to know about different perspectives and enrich ourselves through knowledge sharing.

Be a Guest on Femme Parler Podcast

Submit your relationship advice/question.

Sherley’s Show provides an atmosphere where every woman is comfortable growing into their best self. Sherley’s Show is a no judgment podcast where we discuss how to rise strong out of all types of obstacles that come with relationships. Through personal life experiences and discussions ranging from infidelity, trust, forgiveness, sex, heartbreak, self love, therapy and more, we offer words of empowerment as you strive to build and maintain all of the relationships in your life. You may be going through something that is unique and difficult. Sharing your story gives others comfort and could also be helping someone else. Let them know they are not alone. Everyone has a story, do not let fear hold you back.

Listener Stories, Advice & Questions

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Femme Parler, which in french means, “woman talk,” is a podcast speaking to women about regaining our power after a crisis in a relationship. 


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