Sarah Tuberty: Stop Hiding Yourself


Sherley is a Haitian-American flight attendant who served eight years in the US Army Reserve. Her journey with Femme Naturelle began in 2012 as a way to build a safe space, a community to uplift and empower women in relationships transitioning out of crisis. She resides in New Jersey with her husband and two children.

Hi, I'm sherley

listeners' stories, advice, and questions

Sarah Tuberty: Stop Hiding Yourself

In this episode, Sherley speaks to Flight Attendant Sarah who has a Doctorate in clinical occupational therapy. It’s quite fascinating learning about the different roles of an occupational therapist, especially as Sarah uses her experience as an accessibility coordinator. And that’s just the beginning! Next, Sarah shares anecdotes of disability advocacy, the importance of eliminating inspiration porn and offensive, insensitive language to those with disabilities, as well as mindful communication and messaging to children regarding disability. There is so much to learn and appreciate here in this episode, so be sure to share it with all of those who are looking to expand their compassionate muscles. Everyone has their own journey when it comes to self confidence and self-acceptance. This is your reminder that you are enough just as you are and other people’s ignorance and discrimination does not take away from that.

Also listen to: Syaisha Alexander: Childhood Story

What are your thoughts from the show? Please share in the comments.

From flight attending to aerial arts it is hard to keep this northern california native out of the skies. Sarah Tuberty has the lived experience of a congenital hand difference, meaning she was born without fingers on her left hand. Her life has been a journey of adaptation and understanding of the disability experience.

Sarah’s particular interests surround the social and emotional aspects of growing up with physical differences. Her work includes co-founding and co-hosting Disarming Disability, a podcast on deconstructing the social construct on disability and an author of Super-Abled Comics, featuring 6 short stories of superheroes with limb differences written by authors who have limb differences.

She is an internationally trained aerialist with an emphasis on adaptive aerial arts, incorporating disability into her performances to help rewrite the narrative we have on disability.

She works to provide consulting services on disability related topics, modeling, and has presented at multiple events on topics around inclusion, disability stigma, and lived experience with a congenital hand difference. All of these efforts are to create a true and positive narrative of disability, where we can all be proud of who we are, what our bodies look like, and how they move.

Here’s to creating a more inclusive and understanding society!

What is disability and eugenics

Buck vs Bell: Supreme Court Case on Eugenics

Social Animation Video

Eugenics in the United States: Video

Clip from “Talk” by the Disability Rights Commission: Video

Policy History: 

Section 504 Sit In

Capitol Crawl

Jobs + inspiration porn:

Job accommodation network

I am not your inspiration thank you very much: Stella Young

Disability in Media: 

Opinion articles: 

TCM’s ‘The Projected Image’ puts spotlight on disabilities in film

‘Disabled’: Just #SayTheWord

Where Have You Gone, Stephen Dwoskin? On Disability Film

The Fries Test: On Disability Representation in Our Culture

Research article: 

Inequality in 1300 Popular Films: Examining Portrayals of Gender, Race/Ethnicity, LGBT, and Disability from 2007-2019

Sarah Tuberty, OTD, OTR/L


Shriners Hospitals for Children — Philadelphia, Occupational Therapist 

Camp Winning Hands, Leadership Team and Planning Committee 

Disarming Disability Podcast, Co-Host and Co-Creator 

Philadelphia School of Circus Arts, Accessibility Coordinator + Aerial Coach

American Airlines, Flight Attendant

Sarah Living Life on YouTube

Sherley’s Show is learning and growing every single day. We aim to uplift all marginalized voices both on this podcast and in real life. Please note that we are always striving to change the problematic language that society has internalized in us. Thank you for your patience as we aim to strip certain phrases from our vocabulary.

Would you like to be a guest?

Are you interested in getting your opinion out about a particular topic but don’t know how to do so?  If so, here is an opportunity to do so to share your point of view, PLUS get your message and voice out there.  It is always a great way to know about different perspectives and enrich ourselves through knowledge sharing.

Be a Guest on Femme Parler Podcast

Submit your relationship advice/question.

Sherley’s Show provides an atmosphere where every woman is comfortable growing into their best self. Sherley’s Show is a no judgment podcast where we discuss how to rise strong out of all types of obstacles that come with relationships. Through personal life experiences and discussions ranging from infidelity, trust, forgiveness, sex, heartbreak, self love, therapy and more, we offer words of empowerment as you strive to build and maintain all of the relationships in your life. You may be going through something that is unique and difficult. Sharing your story gives others comfort and could also be helping someone else. Let them know they are not alone. Everyone has a story, do not let fear hold you back.

Listener Stories, Advice & Questions

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, I will get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through any of my links, at no cost to you. Please read my disclosure for more info.

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Femme Parler, which in french means, “woman talk,” is a podcast speaking to women about regaining our power after a crisis in a relationship. 


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